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Inscrit le: 04 Aoû 2014
Messages: 4
Localisation: Portugal

MessagePosté le: Lun 4 Aoû 2014, 12:56    Sujet du message: AVIALEX 550 Répondre en citant

Good morning.

First of all, sorry for not speak in french. Smile

A friend of mine just offered me an old AVIALEX vinyl player.
I searched on internet about it but i havent found almost anything, except some of your posts about some Avialex models.

Could you folks give me some information about it like it's age, if it is rare or note, value?
Im thinking about make a restauration but im affraid that could be hard to find spare parts...

Ill attach some pictures of it.

thank you very much.

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MessagePosté le: Lun 4 Aoû 2014, 12:56    Sujet du message: Publicité

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Inscrit le: 30 Déc 2011
Messages: 2 151
Localisation: Uzès (Gard)
Quel(s) galet(s ): 301/Ortofon 124/schroeder 124/Mayware 135/3009 135/DIY 184/BTD12S L75/ Jelco 750L
Ampli: SP15Verdier210300BWECambridge
Enceintes: KHorns tri-amplifiées

MessagePosté le: Lun 4 Aoû 2014, 18:04    Sujet du message: AVIALEX 550 Répondre en citant

Welcome to Thorens Idler.
Rare turntable.
May I suggest you  had a look at  :
Just to introduce you and let us know a little bit more about you ? 

Le vinyle est le futur antérieur de l'audio de qualité.

Don't worry about old age.....It doesn't last that long!

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Inscrit le: 04 Aoû 2014
Messages: 4
Localisation: Portugal

MessagePosté le: Lun 4 Aoû 2014, 18:41    Sujet du message: AVIALEX 550 Répondre en citant

ThierryN a écrit:
Welcome to Thorens Idler.
Rare turntable.
May I suggest you  had a look at  :
Just to introduce you and let us know a little bit more about you ? 

done Smile
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Inscrit le: 04 Aoû 2014
Messages: 4
Localisation: Portugal

MessagePosté le: Lun 4 Aoû 2014, 18:42    Sujet du message: AVIALEX 550 Répondre en citant

just published some pictures of it @
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le bleu

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Inscrit le: 02 Juin 2011
Messages: 7 381
Localisation: BHZ sud
Quel(s) galet(s ): ....trop...

MessagePosté le: Mar 5 Aoû 2014, 20:28    Sujet du message: AVIALEX 550 Répondre en citant


A friend, here, have 2 Avialex, he will certainly come and discus with you..
(sorry for my poor english Rolling Eyes )

Thanks fot the presention, it a nice tuntable, and the tonarme is beautifull


petit à petit, l'oiseau fait son nid...

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Le Cidre

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Inscrit le: 02 Juin 2011
Messages: 7 076

MessagePosté le: Mer 6 Aoû 2014, 18:45    Sujet du message: AVIALEX 550 Répondre en citant

Good evening, and welcome!

The tonearm makes me think of a Clement (it's not one, but the shame is quite similar)...
Sorry for this bad english...

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En ligne

Inscrit le: 07 Juil 2014
Messages: 1 216
Localisation: Moselle
Quel(s) galet(s ): des changeurs à galets
Ampli: Que des Sansui Solid State

MessagePosté le: Ven 8 Aoû 2014, 03:20    Sujet du message: AVIALEX 550 Répondre en citant

- date: from 1961 to ?

- rare: yes !

- value: it depends, not enough wellknow to have an "official cotation", so could come to high price on ebay or with no bid, who knows.

If I were you, I would keep it, seems to be a good TT with a cool arm.
I would like to find one, great look, hope great sounding.

Tell us more.
Do you tested it ?

I don't think that finding spare parts would be a problem because yours seems to be complete.
A good find for you would be its user manual, even better a service manual.
May be an user (somewhere) have one to share with you ...

The only parts I would pay attention is the motor and the idler, if both looks OK, you just need a good clean, some new grease on the backside of the TT, and a cartrige ... I guess.
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MessagePosté le: Aujourd’hui à 14:57    Sujet du message: AVIALEX 550

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